Note: VARAdb supports to browse 577,283,813 variations. Among 577,283,813 variations, 10,386,595 are coding region variations, 566,895,064 are non-coding variations and 2,154 are other variations. These variations are collected from dbSNP, 1000 Genomes Project, GWAS Catalog, GWASdbv2.0, GAD, a study of Johnson and O'Donnell, GRASP v2.0, GTEx v7, PancanQTL and HaploReg v4.1. To browse quickly, we divided variations to 24 files based on 24 chromosomes as showed below. Users can use left filtration options to select variations of interest.


    Common SNP

      Risk SNP

        Variation type

          rsID Position Allele Score Common_SNP Risk_SNP Variation_type Disease