
Statistics of super-enhancer

Number of human super-enhancer samples: 1,739 Number of mouse super-enhancer samples: 931
Number of human super-enhancers: 1,167,518 Number of mouse super-enhancers: 550,226
Number of human super-enhancers: 12,050,445 Number of mouse super-enhancer elements: 7,132,468

Statistics of human annotation

Common SNPs number: 79,078,255
eQTLs number: 4,345,296 Relationship pairs number: 61,786,727
Risk SNPs number: 263,723 Relationship pairs number: 352,613
TFBSs conserved number: 5,722,625
CRISPR/Cas9 target sites number: 22,599,833
DHS samples number : 293 DHSs number: 69,860,705
Enhancer samples number : 122 Enhancers number: 14,867,092
Motif changes: 254,545,586
LD SNPs (AFR population): 3,985,397 LD SNPs (AMR population): 4,020,452
LD SNPs (EAS population): 3,257,901 LD SNPs (EUR population): 3,539,134
LD SNPs (SAS population): 3,385,247
methylation-450K: 32,099,124 methylation-WGBS: 176,535,822
ATAC-seq: 2,723 Chromatin accessibility regions: 120,626,281

Statistics of mouse annotation

SNPs number: 81,432,271 TFBSs conserved number: 3,085,973
Enhancer number : 44,779 DHSs number: 69,860,705
Chromatin interaction number: 93,516

Biosample plot